Missing peace: truth and justice in Israel/Palestine

Place of Publication

Date Created

Extent of Work



An analysis of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict, in terms of its historical, social, economic, and political significance, focusing on the government's emphasis on Israel's perspective.

Table of Contents

Introduction -- Table of contents -- Map -- "Investigation" -- Ronni's intro -- Laila's intro -- What the hell's going on over there? -- 150 years of Middle East history in three pages -- Interview: Yasser & Abed -- Israel and victim mythology -- Hope within Israel: Jewish resistance to racism and occupation -- Interview: Hava Keller -- At the heart of the occupation is the issue of land -- The practice of zionism -- Scenes of Arab al-Naim -- The state of all its beauties -- Economics of the occupation -- Free trade zones: the perfect solution -- The USA: Israel's sugar daddy -- Interview: Allegra Pacheco -- Reno blocks release of Palestinian held 3 years -- Propaganda and war -- Broken and Beirut -- Wordplay -- Who's influencing the media and government -- "Arch-maximalist," Ariel Sharon -- Palestine: in the Gaza Strip -- What needs to happen for a just peace? -- No justice, no peace (the 2000 Camp David negotiations explained) -- The significance of September 11th -- What you can do -- Resources


22 x 18 centimeters

