



The Seattle WTO Protests of November 30, 1999. A Memoir and analysis, with an eye to the future. A republication of Crimethinc's statement about the 1999 anarchist demonstration against the WTO in Seattle. Maybe this will guide future anarchists to other successful movements in the future.

Table of Contents

November 30, 2006 -- The Power is Running -- Netwar in the City: Strategy and Tactics in the WTO Protests -- The Players -- Terrain of the Battlefeild -- Strategies -- Intelligence Failure -- Corellation of Forces -- The Black Bloc: Declaration of Emergecy Battle Resumes: After -- Mass Arrests a Day Late: Presidentail Appearance Post Presidential Disorder: Street Battles for the Hell of it. -- Jale Blockage & Release: Police Officials Resign Aftermath: Implications -- Plagarists' Postscript

