Untill all are free: The trial statement of Ray Luc LaVasseur


The 1989 trial statement of US urban guerrilla Ray Luc Levasseur, published by Attack International in October 1989.

On Sunday 4th November 1984, a crack police task force surrounded a van in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. The 50 officers, armed with submachine guns and shotguns, arrested the van s 5 occupants for years, they had been among the most wanted people in the USA. Their photographs and descriptions had been circulated all across the country. The warrants for their arrest listed a number of bombings that they had carried out against military, judicial and economic institutions. Together with 2 other defendants, they became known as the Ohio 7.

Place of Publication

Date Created

Extent of Work


Table of Contents

Introduction -- Early Days -- Fighting Back -- On Trial -- Revolution -- Organise!


14 x 22