Pick Your Poison

Date Created



Extent of Work



Adventures and high times.

Table of Contents

Pick your poison -- Rick Denton: an introduction -- Travis and Jared -- This dirty house, or: lifestyles of the broke and unknown -- My first band… -- Dead dogs and cheap wine -- The young wizard -- Casey Moran -- A bus stop conversation -- Junior high stupidity -- The dawning of a new millenium from the beer-soaked streets of New Orleans -- Higher education -- Rick Denton gets more fucked up -- Star Wars -- Sophisticated gatherings -- Rick Denton in robbery -- Take this job and fucking shove it -- "If the shoe fits, steal it!" -- Thugs, cops, and general stupidity that makes little sense -- Welcome to high school -- Rick Denton in... Fake coke and cough syrup --The last day of high school -- A terrible experience with extremely dangerous paint thinner


22 x 14 centimeters

