Zines from the man

Extent of Work



A critique on varied subjects, ranging from capitalism to religion to life.

Table of Contents

There shall be light -- Hassan I Sabbah -- The people must believe that they are not being manipulated in order for them to be manipulated effectively -- My eyes, they're ruined -- There are more foolish buyers than foolish sellers -- Life's pretty swell after all -- Bubble gum bubble gum in a dish -- Don't buy a subliminal tape until you read this -- I'd just take my watch off and want time to stop -- Changes in breathing alter the chemistry of our bloodstream -- When nature forgets, remember -- Funny like a clown -- Have you kissed your cult leader today -- Commit suicide by will power -- If we have any enemy at all teh control process is that enemy -- A number problem -- I never knew that union with the world could feel so dirty -- I can't hear you -- Eye battery -- I know it's hard to believe in something you can't see -- We are all guilty in one form or another -- Human nature is the worst possible nature


22 x 18 centimeters


