To Gaza and back: encounters and wanderings in a world full of love and hate

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Extent of Work



Stories from two months of travel from Germany to the West Bank and Gaza through Eastern Europe and Istanbul and back up to Germany in time for the flight back to the U.S.

Table of Contents

Table of contents -- Introduction -- Scatterbrained -- Ljubljana -- Disco punk nazis -- Blue power -- Fighting fascists (I think) in Istanbul -- Instanbul moments -- 3 days in Jerusalem -- Life -- 3 days in Gaza -- Rafah -- A lawless prison -- Red flags, black flags -- Well, ummmm stop it. Please -- Dia and the kids -- Smuggling rodents -- Delirious self-diagnosis -- Fundamental(fasc)ism -- Nice solution, but -- Hostile hostel -- Ramallah -- Iraq boreen -- "We don't have homeless people here in Palestine" -- Smuggling our hearts out of hell -- Hee hee -- Stumbling around Istanbul -- Farewell to Alberto -- Land of useless jobs -- Gen(erational Hom)icide -- On the Bulgarian-Turkish border -- Ivo -- Flirting withthe nazi underground, or not -- Wingless in Sofia -- Reflections in and of the big bang -- Bozata -- Inhaling acid fumes and other ways to paralyze the heart -- Craiova, Romania -- The poverty of Craiovan life -- Into the west -- Self-pity -- Misery drowned, dreams afloat -- On edge -- Running the streets -- Mario and luigi: the welcome home committee -- Upon returning -- The end (or beginning) -- A postscript


22 x 14 centimeters

