I am the thumb tack

Date Created



Extent of Work



Stories and drawings from the small town of Warrensburg, Missouri, United States.

Table of Contents

Another mess -- Old drum is this dog in town -- Eulogy to the dog -- Handy things to know about this fine fine town -- My new house is on Gay Street -- "Nora's not punk and I'm telling everyone" -- Memphis -- The man in the care bear underwear -- Looking through the trash -- Dear... -- Resume -- Lazy hygiene -- Ants -- Lucky the record store rabbit -- Not quite as bad as it sounds -- Something about kids and zines today -- Sprout used to live in Warrensburg -- Portraits of Nic -- Rain rain go away -- Dodge ball as bad as truth or dare -- Body maintenance is a funny thing -- Sorry about the ending -- Ironies of Warrensburg -- "In control" -- Fish has this to say about Warrensburg -- A crazy amount of fan zine reviews -- Last minutes -- Remember the courthouse lawn -- 2 funny things -- Part of a letter -- Now, what was I just saying about summer? -- Over and done with


22 x 14 centimeters


Hand Written
Type Writer