Impact press

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A thought-provoking zine on current issues.

Table of Contents

Notes from the cultural wasteland -- A little help from Haliburton's friends: a luxurious holiday -- Announcing the P.U.-Litzer Prizes for 2003 -- Overpriced musings: it's not the economy, stupid! -- Animal rights and the new enlightenment -- Tasting freedom: solitary confinement and the Angola 3 -- Comics: the muddlemarch -- Beyond asses and elephants: considering the third party options -- Project Learning Tree or Project Lying Tree? -- Dean and Kucinich: embracing ambivalence -- The seaweed rebellion: the marine grassroots movement to protect coastal and ocean ecosystems -- Is there blood on your back? -- This child brought to you by a grant from the Ford Corporation -- Comics: the K Chronicles -- In 2003, it was "All Iraq, all the time" -- Make a difference: Compassion for Animals Action Symposium -- Diary entry of a caucus virgin -- Quickies -- Activist event listings.


27 x 20.5 centimeters


Printing Press