Final days

Date Created



Extent of Work



A revolutionary, illegalist publication.

Table of Contents

Introduction -- Free convicted and sentenced to 23 years -- The false claims of the "pacifist left" exposed: reflections from the San Diego/Tijuana FTAA action -- Life in prison -- A review of the 2001 Bay Area anarchist convention -- Militant anarchist training -- An anarchist statement against the FTAA (and capitalism in general) -- Reflections from the Quebec anti-FTAA action -- Why you shouldn't trust authoritarians or reformed leftists -- Direct action cannot be televised -- Police brutality in Long Beach squashes free speech on May Day -- An account of the Long Beach May Day police riot
jailing and court farces -- Some battle wounds from May Day -- Long Beach May Day updates -- The rest of the enws: black people have a right to rebel -- Direct action updates -- Portland anarchists' home attacked


28 x 22 centimeters

