
Date Created



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A political newsletter dedicated to social issues and enacting change.

Table of Contents

Defending the grove: community fights to save trees from development -- Building community through DIY urban harvesting -- Enlisting resistance: vets who know the war is bullshit -- Letters -- Organizer -- War is over (if you want it) -- Visit scenic Germany and shutdown the G8 -- Mexico is boiling: los pasos de la otra campand: seguimos existiendo aqui -- Ezln encuentro -- Foosteps of the other campaign -- Listening and seeing from the heart -- Another victory for people's park? -- Greenscare update -- Liberating dissent
resisting crackdown on eco-activists -- UC Berkeley's sordid history of expansion -- All-age volunteer-run club turns twenty -- Leap day 2008: up the ante of absurdity -- Stop playing, start living -- Sweeping away blood in Oaxaca: state terror tactics temporarily disband grassroots movement -- Bradley R. Will 1970-2006 -- Change recycling -- Shut down APEC in Sydney -- Mardi Gras -- Charges finally dropped -- Libraries, infoshops, eco-communes, etc: a space update -- Book reviews -- Across the border, but close to home -- Rabble calender


28 x 20 centimeters


Printing Press