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A political newsletter dedicated to social issues and enacting change.

Table of Contents

Reports from the frontline for environmental justice -- Biodiesel for the revolution -- Asleep during the protest: but ther's nothing boring about resistance -- Letters -- What if the mountains cried? Help stop mountaintop removal -- Killer cosmetics: are women dying to be beautiful? -- Building bridges: Japanese peace movement builds solidarity with Iraqi secular civil resistance -- Demolish the border -- Revolution on wheels -- Cop shortage opens doors -- Sane chauvinism -- Implications of the Hamas victory -- The other campaign of Mexico -- Oaxaca Mexico: the struggle continues -- Musicians against sweat shops -- Thinking through school -- Rod Coronado charged with illegal speech -- War on terrorism targets eco-activists but we won't be scared -- Sleeping with teh enemy: activists arrested but where's the crime? -- Succor the Shac 7 -- Call for weekend of resistance June 9-11 -- Dormido en la protestra? -- En oaxaca, la lucha sigue -- Biodiesel pour la revolucion? -- Dealing with conflict -- Christ died for his own sins -- Re-membering Students for a Democratic Society -- Infoshops sprout like mushrooms -- Arise Argentina -- Bolivia's new hope? -- Arrests continue in government eco-crackdown -- South Dakota bans abortion: will they ban health care next? -- Sexy spring -- Rabble calendar


28 x 20 centimeters


Printing Press